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Basic Data 

Star: eta vendrizi

Distance from Earth: 50 thousand light years

Average Year: 75 (earth) days

Average days: 175 days

Size: 20 times the size of Earth

Gravity: 6 g

Planet Ryeo was created when the sun and the moon elapsed together. It says that the sun and the moon are lovers, who rarely meet and always chasing one another. Then one day, the sun and moon embraced one another, creating a total eclipse and Planet Ryeo was formed. Planet Ryeo was the light, but darkness came when species start to hate one another, and discriminate one another because of their differences. But one day hope came and inhabitants of Planet Ryeo united to fight the darkness. And once again light came back to them, and had shone throughout the years. Many years have passed and the planet hasn’t age and the light has shone for many years that passed. Creating 50 thousands light years from the Earth. Planet Ryeo is magnificent with the sunset and the million stars that shone with the moon. Planet Ryeo is 20 times the size of the Earth. Planet Ryeo is the only planet, apart from Earth, that can see the sunset and the million stars.

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