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Economy & Trade 

Planet Ryeo is a traditional economy system. Its economy is very traditional, where export and imports are very common in the planet.  Planet Ryeo’s economy is fair, each citizen has a job and it pay equally. One of the main investments that make Planet Ryeo’s economy growth is the resources of freshwater that it has. Meaning that there are fishes and it will trade with other planets. Planet Ryeo welcome everyone from any planet to trade. Planet Ryeo has a railroad where anyone region can go and trade different items. Spaces ships, cargo ships, are the ships that citizens from other planets trade. Planet Ryeo has a Trade Center building, which call “Ryeo Trade Center,” where Planet Ryeo and other planet trade. Planet Ryeo has more export than import due to the fact the Planet Ryeo is the only planet with freshwater, making Planet Ryeo’s economy to grow and easily to trade.

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